Does it hurt to get your gums lasered off?

Correct a “gummy smile” with laser gum surgery Both procedures gently cut gum tissue and bleeding is common, but there's nothing to worry about. Because a local anesthetic is used, the procedure is usually painless and can be completed in one visit.

Does it hurt to get your gums lasered off?

Correct a “gummy smile” with laser gum surgery Both procedures gently cut gum tissue and bleeding is common, but there's nothing to worry about. Because a local anesthetic is used, the procedure is usually painless and can be completed in one visit. After undergoing laser gum surgery, it's important to take appropriate steps for healing. Although laser gum surgery causes little or no pain or discomfort, your gums will still need to heal.

The amount of time it will take for your gums to heal depends on how you care for them directly after laser gum surgery. Traditionally, gum remodeling is done with a scalpel. It is done with local anesthesia so you don't feel any pain during the procedure. However, after the procedure, you will experience pain and discomfort.

Nowadays, many dentists choose to use a laser to reshape their gums. While the laser helps reduce the discomfort you feel after surgery, you may still experience some. There are ways to fix it. Most patients believe that laser gum remodeling is painless.

Any resulting pain is generally mild and can be relieved with ibuprofen. Aspirin pain relievers are generally not recommended because they can increase bleeding. Lasers are incredibly accurate and precise, so the laser won't target anything other than problem areas.

Amy Wilson
Amy Wilson

Professional tv expert. Incurable twitter evangelist. Hipster-friendly music fanatic. Hardcore bacon evangelist. General tea fan.

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